Local Food Access

Local Food 
For All

Berkshire Grown believes that local food is for everyone. Our Food Access Programs connect food pantries, community meal programs, and other food access sites with fresh, local food from Berkshire farmers. For information on accessing food assistance, see below.

Share the Bounty

Berkshire Grown’s Share the Bounty program is currently in its 22nd season of operation. This key local food access program purchases CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) shares from farms in the winter months, tiding them over with funds to help purchase seeds and supplies. During the harvest season these farmers provide fresh, locally-grown food to community members experiencing food insecurity. 

Share the Bounty farm shares are either delivered to food pantries in the Berkshires, Hudson Valley, and Northwestern Connecticut or used as subsidized shares for lower-income CSA members.

As our Farm to Local food access programs expand, Share the Bounty remains an important avenue to support smaller CSA farmers who don’t sell products wholesale, yet want to participate in local food access programs.

Farm to Food Access

Our Farm to Food Access program has evolved over the past few years, launching as a response to the food system disruptions caused by COVID-19. Currently, Farm to Food Access is funded by major USDA grant programs and run in partnership with Berkshire Bounty. Our two organizations cooperate to purchase large quantities of fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy, and eggs from local farmers and distribute that food to pantries and community meal sites throughout Berkshire County.

Mobile Farmers Market

The Berkshire Mobile Farmers Market brings locally-grown food to Berkshire communities 
with low income and/or low food access.

Food Pantries

Food pantries and community meal sites provide food, connection, and support. 
View a list of local pantries here; remember to contact sites before visiting to confirm hours and availability.

How to use HIP
Where to Use HIP
How to Apply for SNAP

SNAP (formerly called food stamps) and HIP (Massachusetts-only Healthy Incentives Program) can help families struggling with
food costs.

Market Match

Market Match can stretch benefit dollars at local farmers markets.

“Berkshire Grown’s Share the Bounty keeps farmers in business as well as chipping away at barriers to local food access.”

Anna Houston, Off the Shelf Farm

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upcoming Winter Farmers Markets:

This Saturday’s Winter Farmers Market (2/15) will run from 10 am – 1 pm due to the weather forecast.