Community Membership
Are local farms, local food, and a just, resilient local food system important to you? Join our community of members to support local agriculture in the Berkshires!
Berkshire Grown’s Community Members sustain our vital work to help farmers build prosperous and diverse farms, strengthen connections between farmers and local consumers, and ensure that everyone in our community can access fresh, culturally relevant, nutrient-dense food.

Paying your membership in monthly installments is a convenient way for you to support Berkshire Grown’s work while providing us with reliable income throughout the year.
Become a sustaining member!

How is membership with Berkshire Grown different from making a donation?
Both community memberships and donations support Berkshire Grown’s work to strengthen local farms and the local food system. Membership gifts are a reliable and consistent source of funding that Berkshire Grown can count on each month for sustaining memberships or annually when you choose to renew.
“Berkshire Grown uplifts the local farmers who care for our land and fights food insecurity at the same time. I am proud to support their work as a longtime member."