Berkshire-Taconic Grazing Tour with Sarah Flack – July 15th & 16th
With generous funding from the National Grazing Lands Coalition, Berkshire Agricultural Ventures in partnership with Berkshire Grown will host a two-day Berkshire-Taconic Grazing Tour on July 15th & 16th with grazing expert Sarah Flack.
The goal of the grazing tour is to educate grazing land managers and new graziers about sustainable grazing techniques, to demonstrate different approaches to climate-smart grazing, and to identify opportunities to improve grazing practices. We also intend this tour to be a place for graziers to connect with each other and with conservation technicians, to create ongoing educational and networking value.
Monday, July 15th – Day 1 will feature grass-based and organic livestock production consultant Sarah Flack, to deliver a Sustainable Grazing Management workshop at Gould Farm in Monterey, MA, followed by guided pasture walks at Gould Farm and at The Farm in New Marlborough, MA. As the workshop concludes for the day, we invite you to stay and join us for a networking dinner BBQ at The Farm New Marlborough, featuring their meats, local side dishes and beverages.
Tuesday, July 16th – Day 2 will be a tour to 3 grass-fed livestock farms across the Taconic region of NY:
- Chaseholm Farm, Pine Plains, NY
- Kinderhook Farm, Valatie, NY
- Harrier Fields Farm, Schodack Landing, NY
Register HERE.
Berkshire Grown recetly offered these workshops. The upcoming Labor-Movelment workshop is now closed. Location, directions and details about the Labor Movement in person workshop on April 10, 2024 will be emailed on April 9, 2024.
Incorporating Perennial Crops on Your Farm with Regenerative Design Group
This workshop took place on Thursday, January 25, 2024
CLOSED to Registration
Agroforestry crops and practices have the potential to help farmers manage the land they are farming in different ways, providing new opportunities to grow emerging crops that can be incorporated into existing markets, or help boost ecological and financial resiliency. Attendees will hear from Jono Neiger of Regenerative Design Group (RDG) and Big River Chestnuts about potential perennial crops, their management, and how practices can be defined and funded (through NRCS, MDAR or other sources).
With Farmer Co-Presenters
Seva Water; Nutwood Farm / Regenerative Design Group
Babette Wils; Bigfoot Food Forest
Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with Jono and the NOFA agroforestry cohort farmers to learn more about technical assistance opportunities available in the field to help design and implement perennial crops and agroforestry practices.
Regenerative Design Group is a worker-owned ecological design practice dedicated to working with farm owners to develop diverse agroecological and agroforestry systems that support the farm’s social, environmental, and economic goals.
Two-Part Grant Writing Workshop. How to read and interpret grant applications.
Session 1, Wednesday, February 21, 2024 with follow up Session 2, Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Online, Registration is for both sessions. Workshop may not be taken as individaul sessions.
Fee: $40 Members, $60 Non-members
Maximum 15 Students. CLOSED to Registration
Berkshire Grown will host a virtual two-part grant writing training, led by Kara Weinstein, for farmers and food producers looking to develop an understanding of how to read and interpret grant applications, and the basic story-telling and writing skills to submit successful grant applications. The first session on February 21, 2024 will cover researching prospects, understanding the Request for Proposals (RFP) process, how to write a compelling needs statement, effective outcomes and evaluations, and developing project budgets. At the end of the first session participants will be assigned homework to draft a response to a sample proposal question.
In the second session on March 6, 2024, participants will share their responses, and receive feedback on how to improve them, coming away with an outline for a boiler plate of usable text for grant applications.
Kara is a food systems consultant based in Kingston, NY. As founder of KHW Strategies, she works with food systems and sustainable agriculture operators and nonprofits on strategic vision, operations, grant writing and execution, and project management. She has a background in corporate sustainability + ESG consulting and communications. Kara holds a Master’s in Food Systems from New York University and a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Environmental Policy and Culture from Northwestern University.
SNAP/HIP-Best Practices and Solutions to Common Issues
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Online: 6-7:30PM
Fee: $20 Members, $30 non-members. CLOSED to Registration
Join Berkshire Grown and Zoey Sloate to learn best practices on incorporating SNAP into your business in a way that creates a welcoming space.
Attendees will come away with marketing best practices and models of inclusive language to explain SNAP, HIP, & coupons. Attendees will also learn additional tools to augment how you can accept SNAP: (1) accepting SNAP/HIP for a CSA, (2) accepting SNAP online, (3) common troubleshooting issues and solutions. There will also be time for questions and discussion. In advance of the workshop, Berkshire Grown will solicit a few points of interest and discussion topics from attendees to guide conversation topics.
Zoey lives in Massachusetts and has been helping businesses with SNAP, HIP, WIC and Senior FMNP coupons for five years – her experience includes technical setup, government approval, troubleshooting, and developing welcoming spaces.
Labor Movement with Cynthia Flores
“When you move well, you work well.”
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
In-person workshop at Hancock Shaker Village, Pittsfield, MA
Limited to 15 students (Sorry, no drop-ins!)
Cost: $20 Members, $30 Non-members. CLOSED to Registration
Labor-Movement believes that when you move well, you work well. Our mission is to help farmers, fishermen, landscapers, and industrial athletes to improve their movement health and wellness, increase efficiency and extend longevity in a season or career.
Our mission is to help farmers, fishermen, landscapers, and industrial athletes to improve their movement health and wellness, increase efficiency and extend longevity in a season or career.
Movement Workshops address BETTER body mechanics and movement patterns related to farm tasks to increase productivity and help decrease workplace injuries. Time will be spent in an interactive atmosphere moving through basic movement patterns. Every attendee will leave with tips focused on ways to improve their overall movement patterning and work-related well-being. Time will be allotted for questions and some detailed discussion. Learn more about Cynthia’s mission at:
Cynthia Flores founded Labor-Movement LLC in 2020 with the mission of working with farmers and farmworkers to train body mechanics and movement patterns used in farming.