
Many Forks Farm

CSA Vegetable Farm. Fresh, local vegetables for 20 weeks, June thru October, with pick up at the farm on Wednesdays, 4PM-7PM. Enjoy additional u-pick crops when in season and flowers and herbs from the CSA members’ cutting gardens. Regenerative, low and no-till practices without chemicals or pesticides for the health of the soil, the produce and the farm’s community. Reduced-price shares are available. Monthly payments can be made with SNAP/HIP.

For more information…Visit for more information about the farm, the CSA, and for a sign-up form. Email or call  413-281-1814.

CSA SHARE 2021/2022 SEASONS: Full, Main, and Winter available.
Click here for complete description. You sign up for a CSA and are guaranteed a share of our harvest specific to your share size and season length. We plan our yields and planting schedules to ensure an abundance of vegetables for you to choose from. With the online CSA system you have an account which you manage your payments, schedule vacations (you can schedule a make-up week, so you never “loose” a CSA share!), and update contact information.

Markristo Farm is offering pre-order and on-farm PURCHASES for Fresh vegetables, and Fresh-cut flowers as well as Plants for your Garden

Pick-up IS AT OUR FARM: 2891 Route 23, Hillsdale, NY 12529

Note: We are no longer transporting orders to our Farmers Markets, please shop by pre-order or in person at our farm, only.

CSA -2021 Summer shares sign up now available. 20 weeks of the year- weekly share from June 19 through October 30, 2021. Two pick up locations available with sign up. Learn more about pricing and options here.

100% grass-fed beef, pastured pork, pastured chicken and pastured eggs all raised on the farm. The shop also has other great essentials from local food producer friends. We also offer a flexible Buying Club  CSA, please get in touch if you are interested or have any questions about our farm:

Accepting check, cash, and venmo. We can accept credit card but please call ahead if you’d like us to run your card: 413-429-6598. Open every day during daylight hours, taking orders for curbside pick up or delivery (rt 41). Just 7 minutes from downtown Great Barrington. 342 North Plain Rd.

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